Core Information about this Rapeh
Tribe (and/or maker): Apurina
Core Information about Awiry Purus
Number of ratings: |
9 |
Country of origin: |
Brazil |
Ingredients: |
Awiri |
Sourced from: |
Katukina |
Overall Description
This is probably my least favourite of all the rapehs I've tried. It's green-coloured (from a rarer green tobacco) and extremely mild, almost the point of providing no effect whatsoever. (It was a kind free sample from I'm sure this rapeh serves a purpose to some people, but I hardly ever use it.
Further Stats
All Reviews So Far
The first time for Awiry Purus in a very long time, and the first time (I think) in combination. It's better combined with another rapé, because it's just so very mild. Madre was strong and profound and I feel great.
I tried Awiry Purus for the first time in a very long time, but in combination with Vashawa, which was pleasant. Warrior+++ brought a deep meditation, with so much love and gratitude.
The first time I've had Awiry Puris in a very long time, but it's still very mild. Even Mulata was a little milder than normal, but still beautiful. I guess the left nostril dosage really helps the Mulata.
I got almost nothing from Awiry Purus, but Madre is a truly magical blend, taking me into a place of unity with all that is, pure love. A very deep and fabulous meditation. And let's not forget this is the 500th rapé ceremony I've logged!
As normal, I got very little from Awiry Purus, but the Divine Union was just perfect. I got a long-lasting meditation and sense of love and light.
So I tried the Awiry Purus again and again got very little from it. I guess it's just not that type of rapé. (It's not something I'd buy, if it wasn't a free sample.) The right nostril was an interesting combination I haven't tried before. I was pleasant, but some interruptions lessened the meditation.
Again I got little from the Awiry Purus - just a fleeting calmness, but the Warrior sent me into a fantastic meditation. I had the profound realisation that love always wins against hate the fear, which is why goodness will always win out in the end.
Still very little effect from the green rapé, Awiry Purus - just a very mild relaxing tingle. The right nostril dosage was more meditative and it was a pleasnant relaxing meditation overall.
I got little to nothing from my new rapé, Awiry Purus, a green blend, but I didn't have that much of it (and it was a free sample from!) The show was stolen by Uricuri, which delivered a deep meditation and relaxing sensation.